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The crazy trend of the
Note: Unless otherwise stated, financial references are in U.S. dollars.
Norbord Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., effective from February 1, 2021. The adjusted EBITDA for 2020 announced today is US$865 million, compared with US$138 million in 2019. The reali
WEBTOON "The Tower of God" by SIU and "True Beauty" by Yaongyi will be one of the first graphic novels published by WEBTOON Unscrolled
Since its launch in June 2021, WEBTOON Unscrolled is one of the first major publishing companies of Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, and has joined the list of i
The board factory proposed for Cohasset but exempted from a full environmental review raises concerns.
Huber Engineered Woods, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, announced in June that it plans to open a $400 million, 800,000-square-foot directional project on 400 acres of land nex
According to data from the National Association of Home Builders, the current price of timber is more than $24,000 higher than the average price of a $350,000 newly built single-family home.
The price of cork used for frames and rafters is about 112% higher than a year ago.
Eile põles Viimsi vallas Haabneeme alevikus aastaid tühjana seisnud lasteaed. Toomas Toolile kuuluva endise Piilupesa lasteaiaga, Tegemist on mis seisab kasutuseta. Viimaste aastate jooksul on üsna palju avalikkuse tähelepanu saanud põlengud vanades tühjana seisvates hoonetes. Mida räägib
Reoveemahuti Kui mõnel kinnistul puudub tsentraalne reoveetorustik on soodsaimaks lahenduseks paigaldada reovete kogumiseks reoveemahuti. Reoveemahuti on mõeldud neile, kelle elukohaspole tsentraalset kanalisatsiooni ja piirangute tõttu ei ole võimalik paigaldada septikut koos imbväljakuga.
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As with underfloor and subfloor applications, EXACOR™ wall sheathing helps provide structural performance and dimensional stability to light commercial and multi-family builders, and can now be used for 1-hour and 2-hour fire-resis
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Engineered hardwood flooring is a long-lasting, durable and timeless complement to your house. Engineered hardwood
Glenda Taylor | posted on April 30, 2020 at 9:05 AM
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Table saws have higher cutting accuracy than circular saws and can cut large pieces of material better than miter saws—wheth